Wednesday, December 7, 2016


We've started the topic friction, which was negligible up until now. I think friction has always been something we've known about, but never really understood. In class, we did a lab where we tested what objects and materials are affected by friction. We had tested how shape, speed, surface area, and material effect are affected by friction.
Shape- No Relationship
Speed- No relation
Surface Area- No Relation
Material- Yes
Force- Yes

The one that blew my mind here was the results of shape. I feel like personally, in my mind a ball would roll down a hill much faster than a box would. But typically, in a real life scenario, a ball and a box do not have the same material. In this lab we used the same material, same amount of force, and saw the amount of force applied remained the same. I feel like when I think about it now, the same material will create the same amount of tension with whatever object, so shape does not really matter. I think the rest of the results were fairly predictable. My group decided to do the force lab differently than other groups by changing the angle at which the object was dropped from where as others used a force o meter.
We were introduced to an equation

We were given a packet, and those problems were fairly simple to do. The idea of static and kinetic friction came up which was something I've first hear about, It the idea that to get an object going it requires force but it might not move, but when it does move you apply the same kinetic force.
Overall, I like the friction problems and I find them fairly easy to do.

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