Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Reflecting on Reflecting!!!/Momentum test corrections

YIKES! My last blog was in January. I feel like since february is a short month, and we've had a break in between, I've been thrown off my blog schedule. Excuses, excuses. Honestly, I think the reason I haven't been blogging is because I put off blogs when I don't understand something. I know this defeats the purpose of reflecting, because if I don't completely understand something I could easily say "this is hard for me to grasp because..." but for some reason I just put it off. I guess I just like to know what I'm talking about, and also sometimes I just don't know what to say in a blog if i'm not understanding the class material. Basically, my last blog was on that means I skipped over momentum.

Momentum was interesting because I though I understood it...and then the test came and :((((. Honestly, I seriously understood all the problems we've white boarded in class so when I didnt do too hot on the test I was slightly surprised because i understand P=MV. Okay so on that test, I didnt even really attempt the last question because the graph confused me, but now I totally get it and i'm like REALLY.
So the graph is a FORCE vs Time graph, and I didnt process that FORCE MULTIPLIED BY CHANGE IN TIME IS IMPULSE. honestly like duh.
So now the problem is straight forward.
A. Impulse of the rocket engine?
F=20 T=.5
Need to account for the triangle
Answer: 5kgm/s

B. determine rockets burnout velocity
divide by .3
vf=16.7 m/s

C. Determine acceleration
a=33.3 m/s/s

ON NUMBER 17 I CONVERTED WRONG. honestly the dumbest reason to lose points for. I ALWASY CONVERT CM TO KM. I think its a habit of mine just to turn everything into kilo, but centimeters goes to meters. I literally messed this up on the centripetal quiz the other day too, same exact mistake.

19. I didn't account for direction, and this is important with momentum. Other than that my work is correct

Ratios are too much to reflect on the blog here because I got basically all those wrong. But I went over these with my table and I am aware of what I did right and what was wrong, and I have notes and everything on that. Overall on this test, the ratios were the only thing I feel like I was weak on, but I think since then my understanding has improved.

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